Al Najma Shop
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Al Najma Shop
Erbil, Kurdistan | +964 750 798 5759


Al Najma Shop

Al Najma Shop
You know that first impressions when you invite guests in your home can be decisive, so choose your new serving items from Al Najma Shop before you call them. 
Of course, your creations and cooking skills will captivate them, but think about how the food you prepared will look on the new clay dishes, porcelain plates or that clear glass plate. 
Add elegant plates, your favorite gold-colored cutlery set and a vase of flowers or artfully folded cloth towels. The result shall be fabulous, while your table will look beautifully decorated. 
Complete the meal by serving a coffee or tea from Al Najma Shop glasses to your guests!
For unique, elegant & modern kitchenware stuff please visit our store and you will be totally satisfied!