Why to choose us:
The most important reasons to choose Electron’s Bazaar Digital Platform - APP for advertising & promoting your:
a) Products,
b) Services,
c) Skills,
d) Corporate profile & portfolio,
are the followings:
1. Electron Bazaar is the first Digital Online Marketing Platform, Yellow pages & B2B e-guide in Kurdistan & Iraq, for products, services, companies & freelancers.
2. Electron’s Bazaar Social Media accounts (Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Snapchat & YouTube Channel) are followed by many thousands of visitors, followers & subscribers.
3. Electron Bazaar has promotional agreements with the most famous companies, markets and shops in whole Iraq state.
4. We are being advertised & promoted in most famous web sites & social media and also we have mutual promoting joint venture agreements with famous YouTubers, Vloggers & Influencers of whole Iraq state.
If you are looking a trustful Digital Platform - APP to promote your company, products, services & corporate profile in Kurdistan Region and Iraq State, Electron Bazaar is the best option for you.
We offer:
a) low cost,
b) effective,
c) and smart promotional services,
to our thousands clients that already trusted us.
Be now a member of the most famous & innovative Marketing Digital Platform - APP in whole country!