About Us

Electron Bazaar is member of Fondi Group Inc, a Group of Companies that operates successfully in Kurdistan Region & Iraq State 16 years now in the following fields: 
a) Oil Trading
b) Gold Trading
c) Construction Projects
d) Logistics
e) Finance
f) Consulting - Branding
g) Advertising - Promotion.

Electron Bazaar is the Advertising Member of Fondi Group Inc

Electron Bazaar is the first online search engine platform & e-guide & APP in Kurdistan & Iraq concerning the promotion of products, services & entertainment ideal for companies, shops & freelancers that would like to promote their business. 

Electron’s Bazaar (web Platform & App) services includes:
a) Promotion of our clients' products and services in local market.
b) Presentation of our clients' corporate profiles, social media accounts and contact info details to Kurdish/Iraqi Retail-Wholesale Clients & Citizens.
c) Promotion through Corporate banners our Clients' offers concerning their services & products.

Our daily thousands visitors (followers & subscribers) can search and compare prices of products & services, find contact details of companies, shops & freelancers in Kurdistan Region & Iraq state. 

Electron Bazaar is the only Digital Platform-APP in Kurdistan Region & Iraq State that offers a win win situation for both:
a) Companies, Shops, Freelancers and
b) Kurdish - Iraqi Citizens (End Customers).

Electron Bazaar has it's headquarters in Star Towers, Building B, 1st Floor, 3rd apartment, Erbil, Kurdistan Region/Iraq State.

General Manager of Electron Bazaar is Mr. Ismaeel Jalaal Badraldin.