Xiaomi (Neon Zone & Mega Mall)
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Xiaomi (Neon Zone & Mega Mall)
MegaMall, Birmam Str., Erbil, Iraq | Payments only by card | +964 750 841 7289


Xiaomi (Neon Zone & Mega Mall)

Xiaomi offers a range of Smart Home appliances, including TV, vacuum cleaners, kitchen appliances, the illumination and smart devices.
The "MI" in Xiaomi logo stands for “Mobile Internet”. It also has other meanings, including "Mission Impossible", because Xiaomi faced many challenges that had seemed impossible to defy in our early days.
Xiaomi continuously pursues innovations, high-quality user experience and operational efficiency. 
The company relentlessly builds amazing products with honest prices to let everyone in the world enjoy a better life through innovative technology.
All our Xiaomi Smart Home Appliances, Devices & Accessories are original, new and comes with warranty!
Visit our place in new NEON Zone's location in Mega Mall!